Wooden Boat Building Blog

I could have titled this blog post 'i decide to go to the moon'. that's how difficult building a wooden boat seems to me. i keep reading that boat building is the most difficult form of wood working -- far more complicated than fine furniture building.. At the goolwa wooden boat festival, rough and ready race 2017, my new found boat friend, paul cleaver, won with his brilliant design and build. the side wheeler punt, punty mcpuntface swept around the buoy, elbowing out all comers (including loud americans), to take a victorious bow.. The wooden boat blog bringing you the latest stories from other boat restorers and builders plus advice and tips on building and restoring wooden boats, and boats for sale..

Jo plans: Wooden row boats for sale

Jo plans: wooden row boats for sale

New build, traditional clinker wooden rowing boat for sale

New build, traditional clinker wooden rowing boat for sale

Wooden boat repair: repairing localised dry rot with epoxy

Wooden boat repair: repairing localised dry rot with epoxy

Chummy rich is a fifth generation boat builder from bernard, maine. like his forebears going back to the 1800's, he is a master of the craft of building wooden boats. in this thirty minute film. Wooden boat, building, restoration and maintenance, a free resorce to save you time searching for advice on wood boat construction maintenance and restoration, by a wooden boat enthusiast for wooden boaters.. Diesel duck wooden boat building. in this episode we finally finish up our first five stations by cutting the chine notches, glueing the gussets in place and bolting everything together..

wooden boat building blog